Impact of Domestic Violence on Child Custody in Arizona: What You Need to Know

Opinion Article: Domestic Violence as a Critical Factor in Child Custody Cases

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects many families across the United States, including in Arizona. It not only has a profound effect on the spouses but also on their children. In child custody cases, domestic violence is a critical factor that can significantly impact the decisions made by family courts regarding the care and custody of the child. In this opinion article, we will discuss the importance of domestic violence as a factor in child custody cases and the measures that can be taken to protect the rights and best interests of the child.

Domestic Violence and its Effect on Children

Domestic violence can have a profound effect on children, regardless of whether they are the direct victims of abuse. Witnessing domestic violence can be traumatic and emotionally damaging to a child, leading to issues such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Furthermore, children who grow up in an environment of domestic violence are at a higher risk of being victims or perpetrators of violence themselves when they become adults.

Domestic Violence and Child Custody Cases

In child custody cases, family courts are tasked with making decisions that prioritize the safety and wellbeing of the child. Domestic violence is a critical factor that can significantly impact these decisions. Arizona law requires that the court consider any evidence of domestic violence when determining the best interests of the child.

If a parent has been convicted of domestic violence or has a restraining order against them, this will significantly affect their chances of obtaining custody. In some cases, the court may even deny access to the child entirely. If domestic violence is a concern, the court may order supervised visitation or set conditions such as completing anger management or parenting classes before granting custody.

The Importance of Protecting Children

It is crucial to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of the child in child custody cases. Allowing a parent with a history of domestic violence to have unrestricted access to the child can put their safety at risk. This is why it is essential to provide evidence of domestic violence to the court and to take steps to protect the child from further harm.

Protecting Your Rights and Your Children's Best Interests

If you are involved in a child custody case where domestic violence is a factor, it is essential to seek legal representation from a qualified attorney. An experienced attorney can help you gather evidence of domestic violence, present your case in court, and advocate for your rights and your children's best interests.

The Role of De Novo Law

At De Novo Law, we understand the complexities of child custody cases involving domestic violence. We are committed to protecting the rights and best interests of our clients and their children. We can help you navigate the legal system and provide the legal representation you need to obtain a favorable outcome in your case.


Domestic violence is a critical factor in child custody cases in Arizona. It can significantly impact the decisions made by family courts, prioritizing the safety and wellbeing of the child. It is essential to prioritize the safety of the child in custody cases and to seek legal representation from a qualified attorney. At De Novo Law, we are committed to protecting your rights and your children's best interests. Contact us today to learn more.

Domestic Violence-Child Custody Cases

* This article was originally published here