Fentanyl Crimes: Defenses and Penalties in Arizona

Fentanyl Crimes Defenses and Penalties Under Arizona Law

Fentanyl is a synthetic drug that has been in the news lately for causing many overdose deaths. Arizona is not spared from this epidemic, and therefore, the state has strict rules to curb the use and distribution of fentanyl. This article will explore Arizona's fentanyl laws, trafficking, penalties for fentanyl crimes, defense against drug charges involving fentanyl, and frequently asked questions about fentanyl-related crimes.

Arizona Fentanyl Laws

Fentanyl is a Schedule II drug under the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy's Controlled Substances Act. Therefore, the drug is illegal without a valid prescription. Additionally, it is illegal to possess or distribute the drug fraudulently. The state also prohibits manufacturing, importing, and exporting fentanyl or any of its analogs.

It is essential to note that the state has tough laws against fentanyl and other opioid-related crimes. The laws here are meant to curb the proliferation of the drug in the state that has caused many lives.

Fentanyl Trafficking in Arizona

Arizona is a hub for drug trafficking given its location and proximity to the border. Trafficking fentanyl is a severe offense in Arizona, and you can be charged with it if you manufacture, distribute, or possess the drug with the intention of distributing it. Under Arizona law, the quantity of fentanyl involved determines the severity of the charge and the sentence range for any person found guilty. Trafficking offenses can attract fines depending on the severity of the offense and imprisonment ranging from 3 years to life in prison without parole.

What Are the Penalties for Fentanyl Crimes in Arizona?

Fentanyl crimes in Arizona can attract strict penalties. The penalty will depend on the type of charge, the age of the perpetrator, amount of drug involved, prior convictions and other factors. Here are some penalties for fentanyl crimes in Arizona:

Fentanyl Possession

Simple possession of fentanyl is a Class 4 felony in Arizona. The punishment for this offense is a minimum of one year in prison and a maximum of 3.75 years. If you have multiple prior convictions, the range of the sentence will increase to 6 years to 15 years in prison.

Fentanyl Trafficking

In Arizona, fentanyl trafficking is a Class 2 felony. The punishment for this offense ranges from seven years to 21 years and fines up to $150,000. Aggravated trafficking a felony that is punishable by life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Fentanyl Distribution

Distributing fentanyl in Arizona is a Class 2 felony. The state imposes a punishment of 5 years to 10 years in prison and a $150,000 fine for those found guilty of this crime.

Defense Against Drug Charges Involving Fentanyl in Arizona

Being charged with a fentanyl crime can have dire consequences. If you or someone close to you is facing a fentanyl-related drug charge in Arizona, it's essential to get a qualified attorney to help defend against the charges. The attorneys at Kolsrud Law Firm are experienced and able to understand the law and the specific defenses that can apply to different scenarios.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fentanyl-Related Crimes

What is the difference between Fentanyl and Heroin?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, while heroin is an opioid that naturally occurs from the opium poppy plant. Fentanyl is a lot stronger than heroin, and as little as two milligrams can induce respiratory failure and death.

Can I be charged with trafficking if I have fentanyl in my possession?

Yes, you can be charged with trafficking fentanyl if you have a large amount of the drug in your possession. If the prosecution can prove that the fentanyl was intended for distribution, you will be charged with trafficking and attract severe penalties.

Do I need a lawyer if I'm charged with a fentanyl crime?

If you're charged with a fentanyl-related drug offense, you need an attorney's help immediately. A qualified attorney will ensure that your rights are protected, and they will also help you mount relevant defense strategies that can secure reduced charges, dismissals or mitigated penalties regardless of the charges against you.

Get Help From a Federal Crimes Defense Attorney

If you're facing fentanyl-related drug charges in Arizona, contact the experienced attorneys at Kolsrud Law Offices today. We are knowledgeable and understand how to help with fentanyl crimes defenses and penalties under Arizona law. We analyze the specifics of your case and determine the best strategies for you. Call (480) 999-0899 or email us to schedule a consultation.

Fentanyl Crimes Defenses and Penalties Under Arizona Law-Fentanyl,Arizona

* This article was originally published here